Papaya Face Mask

How to make a papaya face mask for oily skinThough papaya suits all skin types, oily skin is most benefited. Papaya face mask will remove excess sebum from the surface of skin. If you have oily skin accompanied with pimples and scars, then it would be best for you.


A regular papaya mask on face means youthful skin, less wrinkles, no dead skin cells and reduced any kind of discoloration.


Easy Papaya Face Mask for Oily Skin

Mash a piece of papaya in a bowl and apply on face and neck. You can also add few drops of lemon to it. Papaya mask is potential enough to give you healthy and glowing skin.


Natural Bleach for Face

Papaya is a good natural bleach. Grate some papaya and extract the juice. Apply that on your skin regularly. Within few days you will get a better complexion. These are few process of homemade facial skin bleaching.


Strawberry & Papaya Face Mask

Mash a few pieces of papaya and strawberries together. Add milk powder to get the desired consistency. Apply this mask on the face, massage it on, and keep it on for 8 minutes. Wash off with cold water. This face mask adds glow to the skin and also refreshes it.


Papaya Face Peel-Off Mask

Mix рandful of papaya with 1 tsp. of honey, 2 tbs. of plain yogurt and 1 capsule flax oil or evening primrose oil in a blender. Apply this mask on the face and neck, massage it on, and keep it on for 10-15 minutes. Wash off with cold water.