Castor Oil for Eyelashes

How to use castor oil for eyelashesYou want to grow lush, long, and thick eyelashes. Luckily for you, we have a solution. Castor oil strengthens and hydrates the eyelashes and thereby provides an environment that allows eyelashes to grow without any crisis.


This amazing oil from the palma christi plant has dozens of uses & benefits. Comprised of vitamin E, minerals, and proteins. Boosts growth of long and thick eyelashes in a quick, natural way. Capable of penetrating deep into the skin and work from the inside out. Great for eyebrows, hair, skin, nails, and body.



How to use castor oil for eyelashes:

1. Clean your face with water and remove any traces of makeup, especially from eyes.
2. Take an eyeliner brush and slowly dip it into the castor oil, make sure the brush doesn’t carry oil in excess amount.
3. Now with the help of that brush, apply the oil carefully on your lashes.
4. It is better to apply them at night before you sleep. Leave it on for the entire night for best results.
5. At morning, you can remove the oil from eyelashes.

Care must be taken so as to avoid them from getting in contact with the eyes and in case it happens, you must wash your eyes immediately as this may cause irritations.


The best time to apply castor oil is at night, preferably couple of hours before bed time.