Brewer's Yeast Hair Mask

Brewer's Yeast Hair MaskBrewer's yeast - a natural source of complete protein, vitamins and trace elements, which, penetrating the hair structure, increase metabolism, accelerating their growth.


Brewer's Yeast Hair Mask

Tablespoon dried brewer's yeast, connect with half a cup of warm milk and leave for half an hour to wander in the warmth. After the need to add two eggs and a tablespoon of any oil, plant, burdock, castor, almond. After a thorough beating of the mixture on the mask should be on the hair flowing movements reminiscent of massage. To the nutrients more quickly penetrated into the roots and hair shaft to increase the temperature, it will help to make cellophane worn on the head cap and towel. After one or two hours after applying the mask from brewer's yeast can be washed away.


This brewer's yeast hair mask nourishes the hair and strengthens the roots, makes them shine and elasticity.