Papaya Hair Mask

How to make a papaya hair mask at home.Papaya is great for hair because it contains vitamin A, a nutrient required for sebum production that keeps hair moisturized. Also papaya hair mask exfoliates, provides shine, and naturally lightens.


Papaya Hair Mask

Mix a papaya with honey and olive oil in a blender or food processor. Apply thoroughly to your hair and allow it to penetrate for an hour. To create a warm environment for you papaya for hair mask, cover with a poly shower cap. Then wrap a thick, warm towel around your head. Rinse out with warm water and shampoo your hair.

Mustard Mask for Hair

Homemade Mustard hair mask for hair growth

Mustard has been popular for a very long time, as a very effective ingredient of various homemade hair masks that can efficiently help stimulate hair growth.


Mustard mask for hair helps stimulate hair follicles and boosts blood circulation in your scalp, thus, accelerating your hair growth. Other ingredients, used in these masks for hair, such as olive oil, eggs, yogurt and honey will help nourish and strengthen your locks, making your hair grow thicker, be stronger and look healthier.


Honey Hair Mask

Honey Hair MaskHoney is a natural humectant and contains antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds. These properties make honey ideal for restoring dry and damaged hair and split ends. Raw honey has more of these properties than processed honey.


Honey mask is great hair conditioner that smoothens your hair and improves the health of the hair follicles which are responsible for hair growth.


The most simple and effective hair mask from the honey in our article.


Honey Mask for Dry and Damaged Hair

You need:
2 raw eggs
2 tablespoons of honey
5 teaspoons of olive oil

Mix and leave on for 30 mins to an hour. Rinse with a shampoo and conditioner.

Moroccan Red Clay Mask

Moroccan Red Clay Mask for hair and faceFrom Morocco, comes this remarkable natural source, reddish brown cosmetic clay.


Moroccan red clay has a number of outstanding benefits that surpass those of other clays because it contains the highest content of silica, magnesium, potassium and calcium, and because of its extraordinary absorption ability.

Yeast Mask for Hair

Yeast mask for hair contain vitamin B complex, vital for the normal growth of our hair.Homemade yeast mask for hair is designed to improve growth and strengthen hair roots.


Yeast Mask for Hair with Mustard

Mix a tablespoon of yeast with a little warm water and a small spoon of sugar sand. Hour mixture should ferment in a warm place. Then add to the composition of the mask 2 tbsp. tablespoons mustard powder and 1 tbsp. tablespoon of honey. The resulting mixture is a very good mix and begin to rub into the hair of measles. Yeast mask for hair with mustard on his head should be at least an hour. After that it should be cleaned with water and wash your regular shampoo. By making such a mask only once a week, a month later you notice that your hair falls out less and are much thicker.

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