Honey Face Mask

Honey Face Mask can be used in combination with many ingredients to achieve different results.Honey face mask can be used in combination with many ingredients to achieve different results. Below mentioned are some recipes you can try at home.


Honey & Lemon Face Mask

Honey with lemon is an excellent face mask that helps in drying existing acne, and fades blemishes without being too harsh on the skin. Honey moisturizes and stops new acne from forming.


Avocado & Honey Face Mask for Dry Skin

Mix a bit of mash ripe avocado with 2 tablespoons of honey and 1 teaspoon of single cream. Apply on face for 10-15 minutes and rinse off with warm water.


Banana & Honey Face Mask for Dry Skin

Mix mash 1 ripe banana with 1 tbsp honey, stir. Add 1 tsp olive oil. Stir again until the mask is mixed well. Simply slather on the face. Let it air dry and wash off with warm water. It is great banana & honey face mask for dry skin.

Honey helps in locking the moisture, while banana and olive oil help remove and neutralize the bad effects of free radicals on the skin.


Honey Face Mask For Mature and Aging Skin

Mix 2 tablespoons each of honey, oatmeal, natural yoghurt. Apply on face and let it air dry. Wash off with warm water. Pat your face dry with a soft towel.


Honey Face Mask For Skin Rejuvenation

Mix 1 tbsp. honey with 1 tbsp. egg white and half a tsp. lemon juice. Leave this mask for 10 minutes and wash your face with lukewarm water.


Honey Acne Mask for Overnight

Take some amount of raw honey and apply it on the acne spot at night time before going to bed. Leave it on for overnight. Next morning, wash it off with water by removing the band aid and you will find your acne spot will be reduced. Keep on doing this process in every night until your acne has been cleared out completely.



Disadvantages of honey face masks:

- they are sticky

- they continue to drip, even after application, and can create quite a mess on your floor or clothes

- you won't get the results overnight

- honey and a few other ingredients used in these masks can be allergenic to some people