Baking Soda For Blackheads

Home remedies baking soda for blackheads and poblem skin

This doesn't eliminate blackheads, but it softens the oils in the blackheads for easy extraction.

1 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. water
Mix to form a paste. Apply to the T-zone of the face or areas where you have concentrated blackheads. Let sit 5-10 minutes before washing off with warm water and a washcloth.

Bentonite Clay for Acne

How to use Bentonite clay for acne at home

Excessive oil and sebum deposited on skin attracts dirt and impurities and clogs the skin pores that lead to acne and pimple breakouts. Bentonite clay is the best homemade treatment for acne and pimple breakouts.


How to use Bentonite Clay for Acne

Mix bentonite clay with equal parts of apple cider vinegar and/or water. Use a non-metal bowl and utensil. Stir the mixture into a smooth paste. Add more clay or liquid as needed. Apply it on your face. Let it dry for 5-10 min for delicate skin and 15-20 min for normal skin. Remove bentonite clay by washing with warm water. By doing this, you can reduce your pimples and also you can feel your skin happy.

Manuka Honey for Acne

natural manuka honey for acne

The best honey in general either for health purpose or for beauty purpose like acne is Manuka honey. Manuka honey generally comes from New Zealand and Australia. New Zealand is the place where the manuka bush grows naturally and this honey was collected by the beekeepers who build hives in the wild near the areas where these bushes grow naturally.


It is best why because it possess additional antibacterial quality and wound healing properties that all other kinds of honey lacks.

Aspirin Acne Mask

How to make Aspirin Acne Mask at home.

Aspirin acts as anti-inflammatory that reduces redness and pain. It contains salicylic acid which cleans out pores and exfoliates the skin.


Aspirin Acne Mask

Put 3–5 uncoated aspirin pills into a bowl. Crush the aspirin by adding sufficient amount of water to it. In that paste add a teaspoon of raw or organic honey and mix it well. Apply this to your face and other acne affected skin parts. Leave it for 10-15 minutes and then rinse it off with water. Repeating the same process regularly will helps to get rid of the acne. Also you can apply this aspirin mask on the acne spots and leave it for overnight and wash it off in the morning.

Turmeric Face Mask for Acne

Homemade turmeric face mask for acne

Turmeric acts as anti-inflammatory and disinfectant which helps to kill the bacteria and soothe your pain and redness.


Turmeric Face Mask for Acne

Take a tablespoon of honey and mix it with 1/8 teaspoon of turmeric powder. Mix it well. Apply this over your face and other acne affected part of the skin and leave it on for 20-25 minutes. Rinse it off with warm water and then pat dry with towel. Apply moisturizer of your skin type to make it smooth and clean and repeat the process regularly to get relief from the acne.

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